SMTH (Set smooth line characteristics)

The SMTH command enables you to smooth lines that are drawn when the line style is specified as a negative number. The parameters giving the resulting smooth lines may be set with this command. Drawing of smooth lines may require a longer buffer than you have allocated.

If smooth lines are not produced when requested, it may be necessary to either:

• increase the smooth line increment,

• decrease the maximum gap between points to smooth,

• or, increase the number of points available in the data buffer.

Command Syntax:

SMTH incr,gap

Command Parameters:


The increment in map units (usually cm.) that make up the smallest segments in the curved line.

The default is 0.1 cm.


The longest distance between data points in user units (usually cm) through which to draw a smooth line.

The default is 25 cm.


LINA 0,2500,2500,box=b,-1





This will draw a rounded blue box of dimension 2500 ground units. The data buffer now contains the coordinates that define the box.

  • This command is part of the MAPPLOT GX.