Text Justification

Certain commands allow you to justify text relative to a point or relative to a base line specified by two points.


The following justifications use a single reference point to define the text position. Point justified text may also be plotted at an angle.


left justified at the reference point

centred on the reference point

right justified on the reference point

height and width centred on the reference point

Base line

Text may also be plotted on a base line defined by two points, in which case the X,Y coordinates of the second point must be specified.


left justified on base line


centred on base line


right justified on the base line


fully centred on the base line


character width adjusted to fit text on base line.


character size adjusted to fit text on base line.

Control codes

The insertion of special characters in text can be achieved by embedding control codes in the text string. Two formats are supported; the original MAPPLOT control code sequence consists of a double-percent character %% followed by the code. Alternatively the ASCII code of the special character, preceded by an escape sequence generates the same result. Note that the ASCII code of the special characters may vary slightly from font to font. Ensure that you use the correct ASCII code. The following codes are defined:


Draw a degrees symbol (°)


Draw a plus/minus symbol (±)


Draw a circle diameter symbol (Æ)


Draw two percent signs together


Draw ASCII character nnn


Draw octal ASCII character nnn


Draw hexadecimal ASCII character nn

"%%uPlot Title" /Plot Title

"98.6%%d" /98.6°

"error: %%p13.6%%d" /error: ±13.6°

" 98.6\260" /98.6° where 260 is the octal code of the degree sign

"98.6\xb0" / 98.6° where b0 is the hexadecimal code of the degree sign