New 3D View

Use the 3D View > New menu option (geogxnet.dll(Geosoft.GX.Map.New3DView;CreateNew3DView)*) to create an empty 3D View and add it to the current project.

When you choose to create (or open) a new 3D View, the window in which the View is displayed is called the 3D Viewer.

The 3D Viewer provides an integrated 3D environment that includes all of the tools, functions and settings to work with 3D data. Using the 3D Viewer you can add any number of 3D and 2D datasets to your view, including planes, relief surfaces, grids, voxels, vector voxels, isosurfaces, drillholes, geostrings, geosurfaces, 3D symbols, a variety of 2D map tools, and 3D import file formats.

New 3D View dialog options

3D View name

Specify a name for your new 3D View.

  • 3D Views are created and saved as "*.geosoft_3dv" files.

  • Application Notes

    Once an empty 3D View has been created, you can add various types of data to the View in the 3D Viewer using the Add to 3D menu.

    The coordinate system and the extents of the 3D View will be automatically set by the first dataset added to the 3D View.

    *The GX tool will search in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \gx" folder. The GX.Net tools, however, are embedded in the geogxnet.dll located in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \bin" folder. If running this GX interactively, bypassing the menu, first change the folder to point to the "bin" folder, then supply the GX.Net tool in the specified format.