Create a New Group

When working with maps, you may want to create unique layers for adding text, symbols and other elements. You can use the NEWGROUP GX to create a new (empty) group on a map and then populate the group with map elements or use it as an interpretation overlay.

Use the Map Tools > CAD Tools > New Group menu option (NEWGROUP GX) to create a new group on a map.

New Group dialog options


Select the view (typically Data or Base) in which to place the new group.

Script Parameter: NEWGROUP.VIEW

New group name

Specify a name for the new group.

Script Parameter: NEWGROUP.GROUP

Application Notes

This GX places a transparent rectangle in the group. This is required so that the editing function will have some size to work with. The rectangle size will be the same as the view clip extents. Initially, the view clip extents are indicated as the extents of the empty group. As soon as an item is added to the group, it will assume the extents of that item.