Plot Profile Figure

Use the Plot Profile Figure option on the Profile pane popup menu or run PLOTPROFILE GX to create a figure from the displayed profiles in the current database.

Create a Profile Figure dialog options

Plot surrounds?

"Yes" to plot a surround and title.

"No" to not plot a surround and title.



Enter a title to be placed at the top of the figure if surrounds are plotted.


Horizontal scale (units/mm or blank)

Specify a horizontal scale in units/mm, or leave blank to use a default scale. A default scale is chosen to make the plot window 15 cm wide. The vertical scale is always chosen to create a plot with the same aspect ratio as displayed in the profile windows.

  • To achieve a real map scale (e.g., 1:50000), the horizontal scale of the profile window must be set to a distance channel (right-click when in the profile window, select the 'X Axis Options' menu, and in the 'All-Panel Options' dialog, select a distance channel). If the distance channel is in metres, the scale would be 50 units/mm for 1:50000.
  • Script Parameter: PLOTPROFILE.TITLE

    Application Notes

    The plot axis will be labelled to one less decimal than displayed in the data channel. You can control the number of decimals displayed by changing the decimals in the channel definition.

    To colour the profiles, before generating the map, from the array channel RMB menu, run Array Profile Colours... and select the desired colour table. The default profile view uses colour.tbl.

    A new map will be created to hold the figure. The map name will be "".

    If the map exists, you will be prompted to confirm that you want to overwrite the map. If you do not want to overwrite a map, you must rename the existing map. This can be done by opening the map and using Map/Save as….