Plot QC Results

Use the Plot QC Results menu option (QCDEVMAP GX) to display quality control (QC) results in the current or a new map.

Plot QC Results dialog options

New map ?

Select "Current map" or "Create a New map".

Script Parameter: QCDEVMAP.MAP

QC result (flag) channel to plot

Select the QC result channel to plot

Script Parameter: QCDEVMAP.RESULT

Line thickness (mm)

Specify the size of the symbols (in mm) that represent each sample location along a flight path. Default is 0.2 mm.

Script Parameter: QCDEVMAP.THICK


Select (click) the colour scheme and the Colour tool appears. Use this tool to select the colour to draw the symbol.

Script Parameter: QCDEVMAP.COLOR

Offset (mm)

Specify the distance in millimetres from the survey line to draw dots.

Script Parameter: QCDEVMAP.OFFSET

Application Notes

This dialog enables you to view the results of the QC processes. The results of these processes creates a flag channel in your current working folder. The flag channels created are as follow:


Magnetic noise


Magnetic diurnal


Deviation from flight path


Deviation from nominal flight height


Distance from adjacent right line


Distance from adjacent left line


Sample density along flight path

The dialog uses dots to indicate the sections of lines which are out of specification. This plotting program will place a dot at every non-zero location within the specified flag channel. These dots will be drawn at a specified distance (offset in mm) away from the actual survey location if the value in flag channel is not zero or dummy. This allows for the dots to be visible beside the plotted flight line.

More than one channel may be plotted on to a single map. Use the current map setting to add additional plots onto an existing map. We recommend you plot the different channels with different colours and at different distances from the line path for ease of visibility.