RPS - Ratios

Use the Specify Radioelement Ratioing & Low Pass Filtering Values dialog option (RPSRATIO GX) to calculate radioelement ratios. You can also threshold data to eliminate very low denominators and/or apply low pass filters.

Specify Radioelement Ratioing & Low Pass Filtering Values dialog options


Min potassium in %K (Default is 1.0)

- - Uranium (UCORR) on eU ppm 

Min Uranium in eU ppm (Default is 1.0)

- - Thorium (THCORR) in eTH ppm 

Min Thorium in eTH ppm (Default is 1.0)

Choose CLIP or DUMMY for minimum threshold method:

Select "Clip" or "Dummy".


Low-pass filter cutoff (Default is 25.0)

- - Uranium (UCORR) 

Low-pass filter cutoff (Default is 25.0)

- - Thorium (THCORR) 

Low-pass filter cutoff (Default is 25.0)

Application Notes

The Ratioing GX calculates U/Th, Th/K and U/K ratios using corrected data from the Corrections GX. It also checks the data to ensure that there are no zero-value or extremely small denominators and replaces these values with cut-off values you supply or with dummies. You can also apply a low pass filter to the corresponding interim data channels (denoted as HOLD channels in your database) and eliminate any remaining high frequency noise.

To calculate ratios, enter cut-off values as required in the dialog box or accept the defaults. At first, you may not be able to determine what cut-off values to use. This is because these values are applied to the interim HOLD channels which are only created after you run the GX the first time. Therefore, to see the effect of these filters, you must run the GX, display the HOLD channels and then rerun the GX with new parameters.

When you run the GX, you see a single progress bar. After the process finishes, you can look at the interim channels and the ratio channels. If you are satisfied with the results, you are ready to prepare final presentation maps in the Mapping and Processing System (MPS).

Script Parameters:

Minimum UCORR Cutoff

Script Parameter: RPSRATIO.UMIN

Minimum KCORR Cutoff

Script Parameter: RPSRATIO.KMIN

Minimum THCORR Cutoff

Script Parameter: RPSRATIO.THMIN

Cutoff method CLIP = 0, or DUMMY = 1

Script Parameter: RPSRATIO.RMETHOD

Short Wavelength Cutoff for U


Short Wavelength Cutoff for K


Short Wavelength Cutoff for TH


CORR Uranium Channel Name

Script Parameter: RPSRATIO.UCORR

CORR Potassium Channel Name

Script Parameter: RPSRATIO.KCORR

CORR Thorium Channel Name

Script Parameter: RPSRATIO.THCORR

Temporary Channel Name for Filtering Uranium

Script Parameter: RPSRATIO.UHOLD

Temporary Channel Name for Filtering Potassium

Script Parameter: RPSRATIO.KHOLD

Temporary Channel Name for Filtering Thorium

Script Parameter: RPSRATIO.THOLD

RATio of U/TH Channel Name

Script Parameter: RPSRATIO.UTHRAT

RATio of U/K Channel Name

Script Parameter: RPSRATIO.UKRAT

RATio of TH/K Channel Name

Script Parameter: RPSRATIO.THKRAT