
Use the Database Tools > Channel Tools > Search menu option (SEARCH GX) to search for values in the current channel.

Search dialog options

Value to find

The text string value to locate.


Partial match: The input match string must match the channel value up to the number of characters in the input string. For instance, a search value of "3.7" will match 3.71, 3.761, or any value beginning with "3.7". This option is recommended for searching for numeric values, because the displayed value may not exactly match the value stored internally – e.g. "3.70" may be stored as 3.701 internally, and an exact match will fail. (You may still have problems with values such as "3.6999", which get rounded up on the display).

Exact match: The input match string must exactly match the channel value. The only exception is for some numeric values. For instance "3.7" will get an exact match on "3.70", because internally the conversion to a string value done before the match drops the redundant last zero, giving "3.7". It is safer to use the Partial match option for numeric values.


This option is relevant only for character channels. If "Ignore case" is selected all values (including the match value) are converted to upper case before comparison.

<Find Prev

Locate the first match before the current location.

Find Next>

Locate the first match after the current location.

Application Notes

The search string must be exact; wild cards (such as "?" and "*") are not accepted.