Select/Deselect Type

Use the Select/Deselect Type context menu option (SELTYPE GX) to select the lines by type.

Select/Deselect Type dialog options

Line type

Use the drop-down list to select the type of lines used (L: Normal, B: Base, T: Tie, S: Test, R: Trend, P: Special, D: Random).

  • See the Application Notes below for more information.
  • Script Parameter: SELTYPE.TYPE 


    Click to select the line.

    Script Parameter: SELTYPE.OPTION[0]


    Click to deselect the line.

    Script Parameter: SELTYPE.OPTION[1]

    Application Notes

    Line Format Identifiers

    The top left cell in the spreadsheet window, called the ID cell, displays the identifier for the data group you are currently using.

    If the line name is preceded by a checkmark, it indicates that the line is also selected for processing:


    Various processes within Oasis montaj can be applied to lines that are selected at the time the process is run.

    Typically, this identifier corresponds to a survey line on which the corresponding data was acquired. The general format of the line identifier (used in the ID cell of the spreadsheet window) is:

    TYPE number.version:flight

    Types of Survey Lines

    In Oasis montaj, you can specify any of the following types of survey lines:




    Base lines


    Random Lines


    Normal lines


    Special lines


    Trend lines


    Test lines


    Tie lines

    For example, "T110.2:16" is tie line 110, version 2, from flight 16. The combination of line type, line number and version number must be unique within a single database. This means there can only be one "T110.2" in a database, regardless of the flight number.