Sort All by Multiple Channels

Use the Database Tools > Channel Tools > Sort All by Multiple Channels menu option (SORTALLN GX) to sort all channels based on two reference channels. The data is first sorted by a primary reference channel, then for data with the same value in the primary reference channel, the data is sorted by the secondary channel.

Sort All by Multiple Channels dialog options

Primary channel

Primary channel on which to base the sort. The data will first be sorted by this channel, then by the secondary channel.

Script Parameter: SORTALLN.CHANNEL1

Primary sort

Ascending or Descending.

Script Parameter: SORTALLN.ORDER1

Secondary channel

Secondary channel on which to base the sort. For data in which the primary channel is the same, the data will be sorted by the secondary channel.

Script Parameter: SORTALLN.CHANNEL2

Secondary sort

Ascending or Descending.

Script Parameter: SORTALLN.ORDER2

Tertiary channel

Secondary channel on which to base the sort. For data in which the primary channel is the same, the data will be sorted by the secondary channel.

Script Parameter: SORTALLN.CHANNEL3

Tertiary sort

Ascending or Descending.

Script Parameter: SORTALLN.ORDER3

Quaternary channel

Fourth channel on which to base the sort. For data in which the primary channel is the same, the data will be sorted by the secondary channel.

Script Parameter: SORTALLN.CHANNEL4

Quaternary sort

Ascending or Descending.

Script Parameter: SORTALLN.ORDER4

Sort read-only channels?

Yes to sort read-only channels, No to not sort read-only channels.


Application Notes

If a channel is not sampled at the same rate as the reference channels, the reference channels are re-sampled to match the channel being sorted.

All defined channels are used in the sort; e.g. if the third channel is left blank, then the first, second and fourth are used to create the sort index.

If protected channels are not sorted, the fiducial relationships will be lost, and data integrity may be lost.