Strike-Dip Symbols

Use the Map Tools > Symbols > Strike-Dip Symbols menu option (PSTRIKEDIP GX) to plot geological dip symbols.

Strike-Dip Symbols dialog options

Dip channel

Name of channel to define the angle. Dip values should be in the range 0 to 90 degrees. Those values outside of the range will still be plotted, but a warning message will be displayed following the plotting process.

Script Parameter: STRIKEDIP.DIP (Default: "Strike")

Strike channel

Name of channel to define the strike. The azimuth convention for strike is assumed, with the dip direction being taken as 90 degrees clockwise from the strike direction.

Script Parameter: STRIKEDIP.STRIKE (Default: "Dip")

Symbol size (mm)

Symbol size in mm

Script Parameter: STRIKEDIP.SYMS (Default 3.0mm)

Symbol colour

Symbol colour.

Script Parameter: STRIKEDIP.SYMC (Default "K" – black)

Symbol line thickness (mm)

Thickness of lines in mm which form the dip symbol.

Script Parameter: STRIKEDIP.SYML (Default: 0.1mm)

Text size (mm)

Text size in mm

Script Parameter: STRIKEDIP.TXTS (Default: 2.0mm)

Text colour

Text colour used for plotting the dip values. Legend text is always black.

Script Parameter: STRIKEDIP.TXTC SYMC (Default "K" – black)

Text orientation

Text orientation. Select horizontal for regular, horizontal text, or rotated for text that rotates with the strike of the symbols.

Script Parameter: STRIKEDIP.ORIENT (0:horizontal, 1: rotated)

Legend origin X (mm)

The X location of the bottom-left corner of the legend.

Script Parameter: STRIKEDIP.X (Default 10.0)

Legend origin Y (mm)

The Y location of the bottom-left corner of the legend.

Script Parameter: STRIKEDIP.Y (Default 10.0)


Select this button to interactively select the origin point of the legend on the current map.

Application Notes

This GX plots geological dip/strike symbols to the current map. Current X and Y channels are required.

The azimuth convention for strike values is assumed, with the dip-direction being taken as 90 degrees CW from the input strike direction. If you have dip-direction instead of strike, then create a new "Strike" channel and define its values as Strike = DipDir – 90.0.

Script Parameters

The number of decimals in the dip labels is taken from the displayed number of decimals in the dip channel. In script mode, this value can be altered by defining the STRIKEDIP.DECIMALS parameter.