Draw Line Ticks

Use the Draw Line Ticks dialog to plot tick marks at specified intervals on a map.

Draw Line Ticks dialog options

Tick reference channel

The channel to reference the tick marks from (i.e. base station channel).

Script Parameter: PATH.TICK_STATION

Minor tick interval

The interval or number of units to display the minor ticks.

Script Parameter: PATH.TICK_MOD

Major tick interval

The interval or number of units to display the major ticks.

Script Parameter: PATH.TICK_MTMOD

Minor tick size (mm)

The line thickness in mm of the minor ticks.

Script Parameter: PATH.TICK_SIZE

Major tick size (mm)

The line thickness in mm of the major ticks.

Script Parameter: PATH.TICK_MTSIZE

Application Notes

This dialog is part of the PATH GX and cannot be run separately.

The Tick reference channel and the Minor tick interval fields are required for this GX.