Plot Trends

Use the Grid and Image > Gridding > Trend Enforcement > Plot Trends menu option (TRNDPATH GX) to plot the trend lines found in the current database. These lines begin with "R": R0, R2, R4 etc are for minima, and R1, R3, R5 etc. are for maxima.

Plot Trends dialog options

Colour for minimum trends (R0, R2 etc.)

Select using the Colour tool. Only selected trend lines are plotted.

Script Parameter: TRNDPATH.MINCOLOR: The colour, in Geosoft RGB format. Use "X" to skip plotting (Default is blue).

Colour for maximum trends (R1, R3 etc.)

Select using the Colour tool. Only selected trend lines are plotted.

Script Parameter: TRNDPATH.MAXCOLOR: The colour in Geosoft RGB format. Use "X" to skip plotting (Default is red).

Line thickness

Line thickness (Default is 0.15).