Apply View Mask

Use the Map Tools > Masking > Apply View Mask menu option (VIEWCLIP GX) to reset the clip area of a view to a polygon mask file.

Apply View Mask dialog options

Clip polygon file (.ply)

The name of the clip polygon file.

Script Parameter: VIEWCLIP.FILE

Map view

The map view on which to apply the clip mask

Script Parameter: VIEWCLIP.VIEW

Clip all groups

Force all the groups in the view to be clipped.

Script Parameter: VIEWCLIP.FORCE

Application Notes

After changing a view clip area, groups within the view can be clipped to the view clip limits by setting their clip attributes. To do this, select the group to be clipped, press the right mouse button, and select the "clipped" option in the pop-up menu.

Polygons are ASCII files with default extension .ply. A polygon file contains a list of X,Y coordinates that define one or more polygons. The file may contain any number of polygons, and each polygon may have any number of vertices. The first and last points in each polygon are assumed to connect. If the file will contain more than one polygon, each polygon must start with a line 'poly #' ('p' or 'P' in column 1). Comment lines are indicated by a '/' in column 1.

Clip polygon files may also be generated interactively by using the digitising tools in the Map Tools menu.

Example of a single polygon file:


/ Sample single polygon file


poly 1

1376027.6061 6178025.9399

1382846.3129 6178025.9399

1382846.3129 6182748.8182

1376027.6061 6182748.8182

1376027.6061 6178025.9399

Example of a three polygon file:

(Note the exclusive following the poly 3 entry; this indicates exclusive regions or holes in polygon sets.)


/ Sample three polygon file


poly 1

1375594.6724 6181961.6718

1378706.3838 6181961.6718

1378706.3838 6184716.6842

1375594.6724 6184716.6842

1375594.6724 6181961.6718

poly 2

1375757.0225 6178629.4188

1379896.9516 6178629.4188

1379896.9516 6181174.5254

1375757.0225 6181174.5254

1375757.0225 6178629.4188

poly 3


1380546.3523 6175926.8828

1384550.9896 6175926.8828

1384550.9896 6179022.992

1380546.3523 6179022.992

1380546.3523 6175926.8828