Run Process

Use the Project > Scripting > Run Process menu option (WINEXEC GX) to open a command console and run a process.

Run Process dialog options

Command name


Script Parameter: WINEXEC.COMMAND

Command line arguments

command line arguments

Script Parameter: WINEXEC.ARGS

Command type

"E" for EXE or COM "D" for BAT or system commands or "W" for Windows EXE

Script Parameter: WINEXEC.TYPE

Action when complete

"H" to hold screen when done, "E" to hold screen on error, "D" don't hold the screen

Script Parameter: WINEXEC.EXIT

Application Notes

This GX will only run under Oasis montaj for Windows. The hold screen ("H") and hold screen on error ("E") options are equivalent in the case of the Windows EXE command type ("W"). The Windows EXE option allows running a process and continuing execution of montaj or script without waiting for the process to finish if the don’t hold screen option ("D") is used for the action when complete.