Create Rectangular PLY File

Use the option Create Rectangular PLY File (WINRECT GX) from the Database Tools > Window Data menu or from the Map Tools > CAD Tools menu, to define a rectangular mask for plot masking.

The WINXY GX can be used to mask the data to the *.ply file.

  1. The system displays the Create Rectangular PLY File dialog.

  2. Specify the output mask file and select if the mask is Inclusive or Exclusive.

  3. Specify minimum and maximum X and Y coordinates or, click the Interactive button to define a rectangle in the current Map window.

  4. Click either the Append button to add these coordinates to a current polygon (*.ply) file or, click the New File button to create a new polygon file.

Create Rectangular PLY File dialog options

Output mask file

Output mask file to be created (*.ply).

Script Parameter: WINRECT.MASK

Inclusive or Exclusive

Specifies whether the mask includes the objects inside the rectangle (inclusive) or the objects outside the rectangle (exclusive).

Script Parameter: WINRECT.EXCL

Minimum X 

Optional minimum X coordinate. These coordinates are only used if the "As defined" button is selected, otherwise the user must specify a rectangle in the current map window.

Script Parameter: WINRECT.XMIN

Maximum X 

Optional maximum X coordinate.

Script Parameter: WINRECT.YMIN

Minimum Y 

Optional minimum Y coordinate.

Script Parameter: WINRECT.XMAX

Maximum Y 

Optional maximum Y coordinate.

Script Parameter: WINRECT.YMAX

[New File]

Click this button to create a new mask file.


Click this button to append to a current mask file.


Click this button to define the X,Y extents in interactive mode.

Application Notes

If the user selects the New File or Append button, the coordinates specified in the dialog will be used to define the rectangle. If the Interactive button is selected, the user will be prompted to enter a rectangle on the current map window.

The mask file is an ASCII file that lists the four corners of the rectangle.

The WINXY GX can be used to apply the mask to the database.