Window X,Y to Zmin/Zmax Mask

Use the Database Tools > Window Data > Window X,Y to Zmin/Zmax Mask menu option (WINZ GX) to window the X and Y channels to the area defined by a given range Zmin/Zmax of a mask channel (Z). This enables all map-based processing that follows to only use the data within the defined region.

Window X,Y to Zmin/Zmax Mask dialog options

Mask channel (Z) name

Mask channel name.

Script Parameter: WINZ.ZCH

Z min 

Min value of mask range.

Script Parameter: WINZ.ZMIN

Z max 

Max value of mask range.

Script Parameter: WINZ.ZMAX

Application Notes

This GX is used to limit the X and Y coordinates to the part of the area to be plotted. All MAP based processes will use the X and Y channels as the plotting coordinates. By dummying those parts of the area outside the area of interest, all plotting will be restricted to the defined area. Subsequent windowing operations with WINZ will apply to the current windowed coordinates.

A copy of the original X and Y channels are saved to channels "__X" and "__Y" (if they do not already exist). Subsequent windowing operations will use these channels as the source channels.