Split on XY Breaks

Use the Database Tools > Line Tools > Split on X, Y Breaks menu option, (geogxnet.dll(Geosoft.GX.Database.SplitLinesOnXY;Run)*), to break lines into component lines based on tolerance of lateral distance. This will convert a neutral format line to Geosoft's XYZ format lines.

The option is also available with the Gravity and Terrain Correction extension under the Moving Platform Gravity > Split Line menu.

Split on X,Y Breaks dialog options

Line direction

Only lines in this predominant direction will be split. Options are: Any direction, X direction, Y direction.

Script Parameter: XYZLINE.DIRCTN - "A" : Any direction (default), "X" : X direction , "Y" : Y direction"

Lateral distance tolerance

Lateral refers to the direction normal to the general line direction. The line is split when two consecutive points along an input line are further apart than the lateral tolerance and also at an angle exceeding 45° from the general line direction.

Script Parameter: XYZLINE.TOLRNC

Down line distance tolerance

Down line refers to the general direction of the line. The line is split when two consecutive points along an input line are further apart than the down line distance, and reside within the general line direction.

Script Parameter: XYZLINE.DOWNTOL

Lines to break

Select the line(s) to break. Options are: All lines, Currently displayed line, Selected lines.

Script Parameter: XYZLINE.LINE - "A" : All lines, "S": Selected lines (default), "D" : Displayed line

Line number syntax

For the naming convention of the newly generated lines, you have three options.

X or Y position: In the attempt to generate unique line numbers, this option determines which major axis the line direction is closer to, and assigns the line numbers to be the first point ‘s X value if the line is along the general Y direction, or to the first point’s Y value if the line is along the general X direction. This option is desirable if the lines are close to a major axis, but may produce cumbersome long values otherwise.

Versions of original line number: Use this option if you intend to break the occasional line and preserve its number, either because you want to honour gaps along a line with minimal disruption or keep the major digits of the line number for grouping purposes. With this option, the split lines will all have the same number with incremented version numbers.

Sequential: Regardless of the direction or grouping, you can set a systematic line naming convention with equally incremented numbers. In this case, you will be prompted to provide the First Line number and the Line Increment. These two entries are only enabled by the Sequential option.

Script Parameter: XYZLINE.OUTPUT - "1" : X or Y position (default), "2" : Sequential, "3" : Versions of original line number

XYZLINE FIRST_LINE - 10 (default)


Maintain line type

By default, the output lines will be of the same type as the input line they have been produced from. Each set of line types will start at the provided sequential start number. However, you can opt to create all the output lines of the same type (Line).

Script Parameters: XYZLINE.MAINTAIN_LINE_TYPE – 1: Maintain line type (default), 0: All output lines will be of type Line

First line

Specify the sequential number for the fist split line.


Line increment

Specify the sequential line increment for each split line.

Script Parameters: XYZLINE.LINE_INCREMENT (default=10)

Reset fiducial start values to zero

Select this check box to reset your fiducial start values to zero. After splitting the line, the fiducial of the first point can be preserved (default) or set to zero .

Script Parameter: XYZLINE. RESET_FID_STARTS[0-No, 1-Yes]

Application Notes

*The GX tool will search in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \gx" folder. The GX.Net tools, however, are embedded in the geogxnet.dll located in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \bin" folder. If running this GX interactively, bypassing the menu, first change the folder to point to the "bin" folder, then supply the GX.Net tool in the specified format.

This GX is intended to be used to break up lines that are imported from ASCII archives, which have a neutral format.

In this situation, the normal IMPORT GX can be used to import the data with a neutral format. The XYZLINE GX can then be used to break up the line or lines into separate segments based on the tolerance of lateral distance.

After breaking up a line the line will be deleted. If there are existing lines with the same line number as the new line segment, the new line version will be incremented.