Interpolate X,Y

Use the Coordinates > Interpolate X,Y menu option (XYFILL2 GX) to replace all dummies in X/Y channels by linear, cubic spline or maximum entropy prediction interpolation.

Interpolate X,Y dialog options

X channel

Select the X channel to interpolate.

Script Parameter: XYFILL2.XCH

Y channel

Select the Y channel to interpolate.

Script Parameter: XYFILL2.XCH

Fill method

Select the interpolation method: 

  • "Linear" interpolates gaps linearly between neighbors.
  • "Minimum Curvature" uses a minimum curvature interpolation. This produces the smoothest line, but the interpolation may be unstable if the data is noisy.
  • "Akima" is also a smooth interpolation, but it is more stable in the presence of noise.
  • "Prediction" uses a maximum entropy prediction algorithm to predict the missing values such that they will have noise characteristics similar to the original data.

Script Parameter: XYFILL2.METHOD

Fill dummy edges?

Choose "Yes" to interpolate dummies beyond the edges of the data.

Script Parameter: XYFILL2.EDGE

Application Notes

The XYFILL2 GX can be useful for replacing missing locations in coordinate data. Both 'Minimum curvature' and Akima interpolation methods define a second-order cubic spline to interpolate dummy values. 'Minimum curvature' produces the smoothest possible interpolation, but may create undesirable over-shoot in some areas, while Akima interpolation tends to be less smooth, but does not suffer from unreasonable over-shoot. 'Prediction' uses a maximum entropy prediction algorithm to predict the missing values such that they will have noise characteristics similar to the original data; when choosing this option, you can force the two ends of each line to be continuous and maintain periodicity. This is specifically needed for applying FFT filters. 'Linear' is a standard straight-line technique, and 'Nearest' assigns the value of the nearest non-dummy point.

The XYFILL2.GX interpolates new X and Y values based on the fiducial channel only.