Translate Coordinates

Use the Coordinates > Translate menu option (XYTRNS GX) to translate and apply a scale factor to coordinates.

Translate Coordinates dialog options

X channel

Select the X channel.

Script Parameter: XYTRNS.XCHAN

Y channel

Select the Y channel.

Script Parameter: XYTRNS.YCHAN

New origin at X

Specify the X coordinate of the origin of the new coordinate system.

Script Parameter: XYTRNS.X0

Specify the Y coordinate of the origin of the new coordinate system.

Script Parameter: XYTRNS.Y0

Scale factor

Enter the scale factor to apply to current coordinates after removing new origin.

Script Parameter: XYTRNS.SCALE

Application Notes

The translation expression is:

X = (X - XO) * SCALE
Y = (Y - YO) * SCALE

The translated coordinates will replace the original coordinates.

If the "X" and "Y" channels are specified, the existing "X" and "Y" channels will be copied to channels named "_X" and "_Y" respectively as a backup. This backup is only made if both "_X" and "_Y" do not already exist.

The XYGET GX can be used to restore the backup.

The XYROTATE GX can be used to translate coordinates.