Export to Scintrex Geophysical Data Format File

Use the IP & Resistivity > Export > Scintrex Geophysical Data Format option (IPEXPSGDF GX) to export lines from the current database to a Scintrex Geophysical Data Format (SGDF) file.

Export to Scintrex Geophysical Data Format File dialog options

SGDF file

Name of the file to create

Script Parameter: IP.SGDFFILE


Select which lines to export. The options are the currently displayed line, the selected lines (the default) and all the lines.

Script Parameter: IP.LINES - "A" : All lines, "S" : Selected lines (default), "D" : Displayed line

IP/Amplitude Channel

For time domain, the channel containing the IP data to export. For frequency domain, the amplitude channel.

Script Parameter: IP.IPCHAN

Phase Channel

For frequency domain, the phase channel. If left blank, the phase is not included in the output. For time domain, this should be left blank.

Script Parameter: IP.IPCHAN2