Import Geosoft IPDATA File

Use this dialog to import IP data from a Geosoft IPDATA format file.

Import IP Data file dialog options

IPDATA file(s)

The name of the Geosoft IPDATA file. Multiple files can be selected.

Script Parameter: IP.IPDATAFILE

Array Channel #1

Channel name to import windowed data to. Array channel names are numbered consecutively from 0 or 1 in the data. If this is left blank, then the name is taken from the data file in cases where the channel names are similar to the following: CHAN0 CHAN1 CHAN2 etc. (in which case the channel name will be "CHAN"). If no channel name is given, and none is in the file (as in the example below) the default name "IP" will be given.

Script Parameter: IP.IPIMPCHAN

Array Channel #2

A second array channel can now be imported using the IPDATA format. This is useful for frequency domain data, where there can be both amplitude and phase data. The number of indexed channels must be the same as for channel #1, and the same rules apply for naming. If no channel name is given, and none is in the file (as in the example below) the default name "IP2" will be given

Script Parameter: IP.IPIMPCHAN2

Application Notes

A typical IPDATA file format is shown below:

Test data
LINE:59600E ARRAY:PLDP DIPOLE:50 UNITS:M T2X:59600 T2Y:-99999 T=0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.2,0.3
T1Y T2Y R1Y R2Y Vp I Sp [0] [1] [2] [3] [4]  
76500 * 76450 76400 2996.9 0.1 -1 26.76 16.22 9.87 6.11 4.01
76500 * 76400 76350 901.5 0.1 0 27.62 18.36 12.12 7.85 5.12  
76500 * 76350 76300 476.3 0.1 3 32.1 23.54 17.15 12.15 8.44  

The first line is a title line, and is generally ignored (except for the special case noted below).

The second line contains information about the Line number, array type, dipole separation, units, distant electrodes, and time windows or frequency values.

The third line contains channel names. The first four columns contain the names for the electrodes. These either end in "Y" (as above) for lines running north-south or "X" for lines running east-west. They should be consistent with the direction specified by the "LINE:" tag (e.g. 59600E above).

The number of windows is interpreted from the "T=" information on the third line. The first value is assumed to be the delay time, or time to the start of the first time window. Subsequent values are the individual time window widths, so if there are 6 values, it is assumed there will be 5 time windows defined in the data. Exceptions to this rule have been added. If the "WINDOWS:" tag has been added to the first line, and the "T=" information is left out of line two, then the number of windows will be taken from the "WINDOWS:" tag. If no "WINDOWS" tag or "T=" information is given, the channel names will be scanned for the longest sequence of consecutive numbers and the number of windows is calculated from this.

For Frequency domain data, the "T=" tag is replaced by the "F=" tag. The first set of array-style data is assumed to be amplitude data, and the second, if present, to be phase data. The individual frequencies are then listed. Five values (for instance) would mean that 5 columns of frequency data were expected.

The time window or frequency columns are identified by consecutive column labels in line 3, containing as part of the labels the numbers 0 to N-1 (where N is the number of windows or frequencies), or alternatively, 1 to N. For instance, in addition to the above example, you could have IP0 IP1 IP2 etc.

Except for the first four columns, and the fact that the window channels must be consecutive, there are no restrictions on the position or number of other channels. "Special" channels that the IP system uses for making internal calculations are the Vp and I channels, and these labels should appear as such (case is not important).

"Extra" channels are all read in, and may even follow the array channels.

The data values can be dummy "*" or too-noisy "TN" values. The electrode locations for distant electrodes (such as for T2Y above), which are defined on line 2, can be left as dummies. In any case, these values are ignored in the main body of the data.

String-data can be input using quotes, and a string-type channel will automatically be created.

In the body of data blank lines are ignored.

Reading Multiple Lines of Data

The IPDATA import can read in more than one line at a time. There are two ways of doing this. If the data is in more than one file, you may select multiple files from the Open File browse window in the GX. Alternatively, more that one line of data can be included in an IPDATA file. Subsequent lines of data should begin with the line 2 string above, beginning with the "LINE:" label, and the new line label. For example, the following would create three lines, each with a single data point:

Multiple Line Example Data
LINE:59600E ARRAY:PLDP DIPOLE:50 UNITS:M T2X:59600 T2Y:-99999 T=0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.2,0.3
T1Y T2Y R1Y R2Y Vp I Sp [0] [1] [2] [3] [4]  
76500 * 76450 76400 2996.9 0.1 -1 26.76 16.22 9.87 6.11 4.01  
LINE:59700E ARRAY:PLDP DIPOLE:50 UNITS:M T2X:59700 T2Y:-99999 T=0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.2,0.3
T1Y T2Y R1Y R2Y Vp I Sp [0] [1] [2] [3] [4]  
76500 * 76400 76350 901.5 0.1 0 27.62 18.36 12.12 7.85 5.12  
LINE:59800E ARRAY:PLDP DIPOLE:50 UNITS:M T2X:59800 T2Y:-99999 T=0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.2,0.3
T1Y T2Y R1Y R2Y Vp I Sp [0] [1] [2] [3] [4]  
76500 * 76350 76300 476.3 0.1 3 32.1 23.54 17.15 12.15 8.44