IP System Parameters

Use this dialog to specify parameters not explicitly set in a dump file.

IP System Parameters dialog options

Array Type

Select one of: Dipole-Dipole, Pole-Dipole, Pole-Pole or Gradient. Only one type of data may appear in a single database.

Script Parameter: IP.ARRAYTYPE -- "0" for D-D, "1" for P-D, "2" for P-P and "3" for Grad.

Line Number

Most imports set the line number. Enter a numerical value. For instance "1000" will produce a line number of "L1000N" is the current line direction is E-W and the line multiplier is 1.0.

Script Parameter: IP.LINENUM

Line Direction

Select one of N-S, E-W. This is a nominal line direction, and determines whether the lines line and/or station values are to be "X" and "Y" values. (The directions themselves need not be included in output plots.) By default, lines run East-West, so that stations positions become "X" values and line positions become "Y" values.

Script Parameter: IP.LINEDIR -- "1" : N-S, "-1" : E-W

Line Sense

This parameter is required for some dump file imports, where only a station position is given, not the individual electrode positions. It is used to determine whether the potential electrodes are at higher station locations than the current electrodes ("+", the default), or at lower station locations ("-").

Script Parameter: IP.LINESENSE -- "-1" for -, "1" for +.

Line Multiplier

Factor to multiply the line value by to convert it to a location. The lines are stored by location in the IP database. For instance, it line 1 is at 1000N, use "E-W" for line direction, and a line multiplier of 1000. The line will appear in the database as L1000. The default value is 1.0.

Script Parameter: IP.LINEMULT – Default is 1.0 (may be left blank).

Station Multiplier

Factor to multiply the station value by to convert it to a location. The stations are stored by location in the IP database. For instance, it station 1 is at 1000E, use "E-W" for line direction, and a station multiplier of 1000. The station location will appear in the "Stn" channel as 1000.

Script Parameter: IP.STATMULT – Default is 1.0 (may be left blank).

Distance Units

One of "Metres" or "Feet"

Script Parameter: IP.UNITS -- "0" : Feet, "1" : Metres

Application Notes

Some dump files do not contain information required by the IP system. The default values may be set using the "IP Defaults" menu item.