Import IP Data from Interpex 12X Format File

Use the IPIMP1RESIX GX to import data from a single Interpex I2X format file to a specified line.

Import Interpex I2X format file dialog options

File to import

The Interpex I2x format file to import. The file must already exist.

Script Parameter: IP.I2X_FILE

Import to Line

Select the line to import the data to. The line may already exist (in the list), or you may specify a new name. The line name must be a valid Geosoft format line name, such as "L1000".

Script Parameter: IP.I2X_LINE

Resistivity (Data) Channel

Apparent resistivity from image model channel for import. Select one from the list, or leave blank and none will be imported.

Script Parameter: IP.I2X_RES_IMAGE_MODEL

IP (Data) Channel

Apparent chargeability from image model channel for import. Select one from the list, or leave blank and none will be imported.

Script Parameter: IP.I2X_IP_IMAGE_MODEL

Image Model Resistivity Channel

Synthetic resistivity data from image model channel for import. Select one from the list, or leave blank and none will be imported.

Script Parameter: IP.I2X_RES_IMAGE_SYNTH

Image Model IP Channel

Synthetic chargeability from image model channel for import. Select one from the list, or leave blank and none will be imported.

Script Parameter: IP.I2X_IP_IMAGE_SYNTH

Synthetic Resistivity Channel

Apparent resistivity synthesized from the polygon model channel for import. Select one from the list, or leave blank and none will be imported.

Script Parameter: IP.I2X_RES_POLY

Synthetic IP Channel

Apparent chargeability synthesized from the polygon model channel for import. Select one from the list, or leave blank and none will be imported.

Script Parameter: IP.I2X_IP_POLY

Resistivity (Polygon) Channel

Apparent resistivity from image model channel for import. Select one from the list, or leave blank and none will be imported.

Script Parameter: IP.I2X_RES_IMAGE_MODEL

IP (Polygon) Channel

Apparent chargeability from image model channel for import. Select one from the list, or leave blank and none will be imported.

Script Parameter: IP.I2X_IP_IMAGE_MODEL

Zonge Resistivity Channel

Zonge synthetic apparent resistivity for import. Select one from the list, or leave blank and none will be imported.

Script Parameter: IP.I2X_RES_ZONGE

Zonge IP Channel

Zonge synthetic chargeability for import. Select one from the list, or leave blank and none will be imported.

Script Parameter: IP.I2X_IP_ZONGE

Import Mode

If REPLACE mode is selected, any data previously residing in the specified line (if it already exists) is lost. If the MERGE mode is selected, values in the imported channel will first be set to dummies, then values in the rows with matching Tx1 and "N" positions will be updated with values from the I2X file.

Script Parameter: IP.I2X_IMPMODE "R" : replace, "M": merge.

Application Notes

The IPIMP1RESIX GX is used to import a single line of data into the current database from an Interpex I2X format file. Up to 5 data sets may be imported, each with resistivity and IP data: the measured data, the image model values, data synthesised using the image model, and polygon data, calculated using user-created polygon models, and Zonge data.