Set 2D Defaults

Use the Set 2D Defaults menu option (IPSETUP GX) to set default values for the IP System. Some parameters, such as the positions of distant electrodes, may not be found in instrument dump files, and may be initialized here.

Set 2D Defaults dialog options

Measurement Domain

Select one of: Time Domain, or Frequency Domain.

Script Parameter: IP.DOMAIN -- "0" for Time Domain, "1" for Frequency Domain.

Array Type

Select one of: Dipole-Dipole, Pole-Dipole, Pole-Pole or Gradient. Only one type of data may appear in a single database.

Script Parameter: IP.ARRAYTYPE -- "0" for D-D, "1" for P-D, "2" for P-P and "3" for Grad.

Line Direction

Select one of N-S, E-W. This is a nominal line direction, and determines whether the lines line and/or station values are to be "X" and "Y" values. (The directions themselves need not be included in output plots.) By default, lines run East-West, so that stations positions become "X" values and line positions become "Y" values.

Script Parameter: IP.LINEDIR -- "1" : N-S, "-1" : E-W

Line Sense

This parameter is required for some dump file imports, where only a station position is given, not the individual electrode positions. It is used to determine whether the potential electrodes are at higher station locations than the current electrodes ("+", the default), or at lower station locations ("-").

Script Parameter: IP.LINESENSE -- "-1" for -, "1" for +.

Station number multiplier

Factor to multiply the station value by to convert it to a location. The stations are stored by location in the IP database. For instance, if station 1 is at 1000E, use "E-W" for line direction, and a station multiplier of 1000. The station location will appear in the "Stn" channel as 1000.

Script Parameter: IP.STATMULT – Default is 1.0 (may be left blank).

Line number multiplier

Factor to multiply the line value by to convert it to a location. The lines are stored by location in the IP database. For instance, if line 1 is at 1000N, use "E-W" for line direction, and a line multiplier of 1000. The line will appear in the database as L1000. The default value is 1.0.

Script Parameter: IP.LINEMULT – Default is 1.0 (may be left blank).

Distance Units

One of "Metres" or "Feet"

Script Parameter: IP.UNITS -- "0" : Feet, "1" : Metres