Set Configuration - Pole-Dipole Survey

Use the Pole-Dipole Survey dialog option to setup parameters for a Pole-Dipole survey.

Pole-Dipole Survey dialog options

Array Type

The Array type is displayed.

Dipole Separation

The separation, in the current units.

Script Parameter: IP.ASEP

Current Electrode X (T2X)

Current Electrode Y (T2Y)

Current Electrode Z (T2Z)

The distance current electrode location. The distance current electrode location. This location is used to calculate apparent resistivity. If X or Y is left blank, it is assumed that the electrode is at infinity. If the Z value is left blank, then no topographic correction can be applied for calculated resistivities.

Script Parameter: IP.T2X, IP.T2Y, IP.T2Z

Plot Point Convention

Select "(Closest Rx + Tx) / 2", (Rx MidPoint + Tx) / 2" or "(Farthest Rx + Tx)/2."

Three conventions are commonly used in calculating the plot point for a Pole-Dipole survey. The SEG Encyclopaedia and Dictionary of Exploration Geophysics assumes that the plot point falls at the midpoint between the Tx pole and the closest potential electrode. Zonge Engineering and others plot using the midpoint between the Tx pole and the center of the potential electrodes. Still other use the more distant potential electrode.

Script Parameter: IP.PLDP_CONV: 0: For the SEG convention, 1: for Zonge, 2: for the distant potential electrode method.

Depth Convention

Select one of the following to calculate the depth of the plot point.

"Pseudo-section method": This is the usual, simplistic method for calculating a depth and simply takes the two electrodes used in the plot point convention (see above) and draws a line at 45 degrees down from each. The intersection gives both the plot point "Y" value and the depth.

"Median DOI (Depth of Investigation) Edwards 1977) uses the method described in the paper below. For a pole-dipole it reduces to the following expression: 

Z = -A(0.1079 + N*(0.4175 + N*( – 0.00565*(N + 0.000316*N))).

Edwards, L.S. 1977, A modified pseudo-section for resistivity and induced polarization. Geophysics 42. 1020-1036.

When plotting using the Median DOI the "n=" labels at the sides of the pseudo-section plots are replaced with "Z=" labels, giving the pseudo-depths of the plot points.

Script Parameter: IP.DCONV: 0: Pseudo-section method. 1: Edwards DOI.