Set Configuration - Gradient Survey

Use the Gradient Survey dialog option to setup parameters for a Gradient survey.

Gradient Survey dialog options

Array Type

The Array type is displayed.

Current Electrode X (T1X)

Current Electrode Y (T1Y)

Current Electrode Z (T1Z)

The first current electrode location. The distance current electrode location. This location is used to calculate apparent resistivity. If X or Y is left blank, it is assumed that the electrode is at infinity. If the Z value is left blank, then no topographic correction can be applied for calculated resistivities.

Script Parameter: IP.T1X, IP.T1Y, IP.T1Z

Current Electrode X (T2X)

Current Electrode Y (T2Y)

Current Electrode Z (T2Z)

The second current electrode location. This location is used to calculate apparent resistivity. If X or Y is left blank, it is assumed that the electrode is at infinity.

If the Z value is left blank, then no topographic correction can be applied for calculated resistivities.

Script Parameter: IP.T2X, IP.T2Y, IP.T2Z