Tensioned Spline

Use the Tensioned Spline menu option (LVTSPLN GX) to create a smooth (B-splined) level correction channel.

Tensioned Spline (B-Spline) dialog options

Level error channel

Leveling error (difference) channel

Script Parameter: LVTSPLN.ERROR

Output correction channel

Ouput correction channel

Script Parameter: LVTSPLN.OUT

Maximum error

maximum error to consider.

Script Parameter: LVTSPLN.MAX

Smoothness (0.0 to 1.0)

smoothness between 0 and 1.0.

Script Parameter: LVTSPLN.SMOOTH

Tension (0.0 to 1.0)

Tension between 0 and 1.0.

Script Parameter: LVTSPLN.TENSION

Process line types

process "LINE", "TIE" or "SELECTED" lines. Default is "SELECTED" lines

Script Parameter: LVTSPLN.TYPE

Application Notes

This GX will implement a least-squares smooth fitting of scattered, noisy data using cubic B-splines.

The Roughness controls how well the spline will match the observed data within the standard deviation. A small roughness is smoother than a large roughness. A very large roughness will cause the spline to match the data.

The Tension (Tau) controls the horizontal tension applied to the spline surface. No tension results in a minimum of curvature while a tension of 1 results in piece-wise linear interpolation between points.