Statistical Level

Use the Statistical Level menu option (STATLEV GX) to calculate a least-squares trend line through an error channel to derive a trend error curve, which is then added to a channel to be levelled. The trend curve can be saved for later inspection.

Statistically Level a Channel dialog options

Channel to level

Unlevelled data channel

Script Parameter: STATLEV.IN

Output levelled channel

Output levelled channel

Script Parameter: STATLEV.OUT

Level error channel

Levelling error (difference) channel containing the difference between the survey lines and tie lines

Script Parameter: STATLEV.ERROR

Apply to line types

Select to process "LINE", "TIE" or "SELECTED" lines.

Script Parameter: STATLEV.TYPE

Trend order (0 – 9)

Order of difference trend polynomial. Normally use a 0 order to adjust the tie lines to the average of the crossing line differences. If you can clearly see a trend in the cross difference channel, you may consider a first or higher order trend.

Script Parameter: STATLEV.TREND

Save trend in channel

Optional output trend channel. If specified, the modeled trend will be placed in a channel so that it can be displayed compared to the cross-difference channel. This is a good way to verify that a reasonable trend has been defined for the levelling correction.

Script Parameter: STATLEV.OUTTR