Move, Mask and Hide Groups

After you select a group, you have the option of repositioning it in the map area. For example, you may want to move the North Arrow from its default location.

Move a Group

To move a group around a map with your cursor, you must first select the Moveable option for that group. Once this option is set, you can move the group by selecting it and moving it with the cursor.

  1. First you must make sure the moveable option is set for the group. Right-click on the group in Map Manager and select Moveable.

  1. Now place the cursor anywhere inside the group. The cursor will change into a set of directional arrows (image\ebx_1808931714.jpg).

  2. Holding down the left mouse button, drag the group in the direction you want to move it.

If you want to Mask the edges of a group (usually a grid or image) to a specific dimension, you can use a boundary file to define this area. The Masked setting on map editing menu will turn Masking on or off.

Mask a Group

  1. Select a group you want to edit. The system displays a rectangular outline with sizing handles around the perimeter.

  2. Click the right mouse button and select Masked from the popup menu.

  3. A check mark will be placed next to the Masked, indicating that you can move the group.

  4. The group is now Masked. To remove Masking from the group, click on the Masked again so that the check mark disappears.

You may also want to hide a group so that you cannot see it when the map is displayed. This is particularly useful when you have several groups in the same map.

Hide a Group

Sometimes, when you have many groups on a map you may not want to display all them on your final map. The procedure below shows you how to hide the grid in your map.

  1. First select the map you want to edit and make sure the Select Group Mode (image\select_a_group2.jpg) button is selected in the Map Manager toolbar.

  2. Highlight the group you want to hide and click the check box to deselect it.

  3. The grid on the map is hidden from view. To display the group again, select the check box.