Interactive Map Template - Item Links

Use this dialog to edit the current selected item’s link properties. This dialog can be accessed from the context menu on a map template view with a single item selected. The menu item will be one of the Edit links options depending on what kind of item is selected (View or Base group).

Map Template Item Links dialog options

Tab Controls

X Position

Use the X Position tab controls to link the right edge, left edge or horizontal center of an item to that of the selected item in the Link to box. The Alignment Offset is calculated using the current positions on screen but can also be adjusted manually.

Y Position

Use the Y Position tab to link the bottom edge, top edge or vertical center of an item to that of the selected item in the Link to box. The Alignment Offset is calculated using the current positions on screen but can also be adjusted manually.


Use this to control linking of the sizes in the X and/or Y dimensions of an item to that of the selected items in the combo boxes. The scale is calculated using the current positions on screen but can also be adjusted manually. It is also possible to do more advanced control using the offset property in either dimension.

Application Notes

An item’s linking properties controls its own position only. For instance if the left edge of an item is linked to the left edge of another item in the dialog with say a 10mm offset, this item will move in X to match that offset. So if the other item is dragged 5cm right (or moved due to its own link properties) this item will move 5cm to the right too. This may take some getting used to but can be used very effectively to control layout on an output map (especially on "map" style maps where the base view has a fitting view defined).

Remove Selection Links

Sometimes it may be desirable to remove an items links and place it in a different spot before re-enabling it using this dialog. This is useful to set up initial placement again using the layout buttons and snapping before revising the linking again.