Saving Wireframes to a Geosurface File

To save the wireframe to a geosurface:

  1. On the Wireframing Tools toolbar, click Save Wireframes as Geosurface File .

  2. In the Save Wireframe as Geosurface dialog, browse to and select an existing geosurface or enter a file name to create a new geosurface.

  3. Select a radio button (Flat or Rounded) under Close open ends. Note that polygons that have been joined into a wireframe must have closed ends to be saved as a geosurface.

  4. Optionally, select one or more of the post-processing tools to run while saving the wireframe.

  • Remember that the wireframe sequence is saved in the geostring file. You can start wireframing again to revisit a wireframing session undoing and redoing segments and then saving the changes to a new or existing geosurface.
  • Once you have saved wireframes for an active feature, you can add other wireframes for different features to the same geosurface file.