Vector Voxel - View and Modify Attributes

Use the Attributes tab to view and modify the properties of the Vector Voxel in your 3D View. For more information on clipping, refer to the Modify 3D Clipping topic. For more information on the colour legend, refer to the Modify 3D Legend topic.

To specify the transparency of the voxel:

The transparency of the voxel can be adjusted interactively by moving the slider on the Transparency bar.

  1. To interactively modify the transparency level, using your cursor, move the slider on the Transparency bar.

  2. To increase the transparency, slide the bar to the right and to decrease the transparency slide the bar to the left.

To access the voxel Colour Tool:

  1. Click the Colour Tool button and the Colour Tool will be displayed.

    The tool enables you to interactively modify/adjust the display of the voxel, to store your custom colour configuration in specialized colour scheme files (*.ITR, *.AGG, *.ZON, *.TBL, or *.LUT), and to apply a colour scheme file to the displayed voxel. For more information, click the Help button on the Colour Tool.

  2. Click the OK button to close the Voxel Colour Tool and return to the 3D Viewer.

To modify vector symbols:

  1. By default, vectors are scaled to the magnitude of the voxel cells. To force all the vectors to be of the same length, uncheck the box Scale to Amplitude.

  2. Vectors are scaled relative to the horizontal cell size. A Vector Scale of 1 when Scale to Amplitude is not checked consists of all vectors being displayed one cell size long. A Vector Scale of 1 when Scale to Amplitude is checked results in the longest vector being one cell size long; all other vectors are linearly scaled. The range of the Vector Scale is 0.1 to 10 and the stepper increments by 0.1. The default is 1.

  3. The Height/base Ratio defines how narrow or wide the cones are. The range is 0.5 to 10 and the stepper increments by 0. 0.5. The default is 4.

  4. The Max Base/cell Ratio is the ratio of the diameter of the base of the symbol over the horizontal cell size. To allow for a better view, the default is set to 0.25. The range is 0.2 to 2, and the stepper increments by 0.1. The default is 0.4.

To display the vector voxel statistics:

  1. Click the Visible Vector Statistics button and the Statistics for Visible Vectors dialog is displayed.

    This dialog displays the statistics based on all visible cells (i.e. clipped data is not included in these stats). The statistics parameters displayed are: Voxel Name, Valid Data, Dummies (number of null value cells), Volume, Minimum, Maximum, Mean Value and Standard Deviation.

  2. This dialog can remain open while performing tasks in the 3D Viewer, such as interactively clipping.

  3. Click the X on the top right corner to close the dialog and return to the 3D Viewer.

To display the voxel properties:

  1. Click the Properties button and the Voxel Properties dialog is displayed.

    The voxel properties displayed are: File name, Element type, Number of cells X, Y, Z, Voxel X, Y, Z cell size, Origin X, Y, Z, Rotation about Z (Yaw), Z Orientation, Coordinate system and Coordinate system units.

  2. Click the Stats button to display the Voxel Statistics dialog. This dialog includes all of the voxel data values, including any clipped data.

  3. Click the Histogram button to view the voxel histogram. Click OK to close the dialog and return to the Voxel Statistics dialog.

  4. Click the Back button to return to the Voxel Properties dialog and then click the Exit button to close the dialog.

To control the resolution of a voxel:

  1. For large voxels that may experience poor performance, a resolution slider will appear below the other voxel controls.

  2. If the 3D view is slow, try sliding the slider to the left, to lower the resolution of the voxel. One notch to the left will double the cell sizes of all cells in the voxel.

  3. This is only a change in how the voxel is rendered or drawn; there is no change to the underlying data.