Display 3D Vectors

From the Add to 3D menu in the 3D Viewer, select the 3D Vectors option to display 3D vectors down drillholes. The input database must be open and it must have assigned X,Y,Z channels.

Display 3D Vectors dialog options



Z component

The X,Y,Z components of the geophysical field to display, such as the 3 components of the EM field.

Mask channel

Use the mask channel to exclude the undesirable data from the plot. The masked points are still contributing to the default calculations.


Colour method

Select the colour method, "Default", "Histogram equalization", "Normal distribution", "Linear" or "Log-linear". The default is set to Linear.


Select the colour scheme for rendering the image of the vectors. If you mouse over the colour scheme entry, a tooltip will display the name of the colour table in its folder. To modify the selection, click on the colour entry and then navigate through the scheme categories.

Length of longest Vectors

Specify the length of the longest vector in distance units. The XYZ components are then scaled accordingly. The calculate button sets the maximum vector length to the 90th percentile of the inter-point distance distribution.

Height/base ratio

Specify the ratio of the height of the symbol over the diameter of the base. The larger this value the slimmer the symbols will appear. This is purely esthetic. The default is a ratio of 4.

Maximum base size

Specify the maximum base distance size. The default is the average sample space.

Minimum cutoff

Specify the minimum cutoff value. Do not show symbols for a magnitude below the Minimum cutoff . You can use the [Calculate] button at the right of this entry to set it to the mean of the data, minus one standard deviation.