Statistics Tab

The Statistics tab offers simple statistical operators.

Statistics Operators




Operate on line

Selected: default

Current: _cur is appended to the selected operator

All: _all is appended to the selected operator

This selection determines if the requested statistical property is calculated on the Selected lines, Current line or All lines. The properties listed below are calculated on the line(s) selected.

  • The Operate on line option is only available with the 'Channel Math' tool and is not available for the 'Grid Math' or 'Voxel Math' tools.
  • .min

    Minimum value of the data

    .max Maximum value of the data


    Mean value of the data


    Range of the data


    Number of valid items


    Standard Deviation


    Standard Error


    Data variance


    Number of items equal to 0


    Number of dummies

    .sum Sum of all data values


    Sum of all data squares

    .geomean Geometric Mean (mean of positive values)


    Minimum positive value


    Number of positive values


    Sum of all cubes


    Sum of all 4th powers

    Application Notes

    The statistical property can be calculated on the current, selected, all lines regardless of the selected lines in the database. Once calculated, it can be used in an expression applied to the selected lines. For example, if you would like to calculate the mean of the current line and subtract it from all selected lines you would form the equation below:


    Alternatively you could calculate the mean of the data of all the lines and apply it to the current selection

  • The Add Variable @ operator is not supported by the new Statistics dot (.) functions.
  • The elements of an Array (e.g., C1[1]) are now supported by the new Statistics dot (.) functions.
  • Tooltips that include an argument and short descriptive name are provided for each tab item.