Time Tab

Use the Time tab to select the appropriate time function to enable you to convert to or from Fractional Time vs. Second Time or extract time information from Fractional Time. For more information on Fractional Time and Second Time, see the Application Notes below.    

  • Tooltips that include an argument and short descriptive name are provided for each tab item.
  • Time Tab options   




    Time conversion functions:

    ../../../../geohelp/image/1date1.jpgFractional time (HH.hh)


    Convert (Hours,Minutes,Seconds) to Fractional Time

    Extract from Fractional Time:

    ../../../../geohelp/image/1date2.jpg Hour (HH)

    time_hour(fractional time)

    Extract Hour from Fractional Time

    ../../../../geohelp/image/1date2.jpg Minute (MM)

    time_minute(fractional time)

    Extract Minute from Fractional Time

    ../../../../geohelp/image/1date2.jpg Second (SS.ss)

    time_second(fractional time)

    Extract Second from Fractional Time

    Convert Exact Second Time:

    ../../../../geohelp/image/1date3.jpg Fractional time (HH.hh)


    Convert Exact SecondTime to Fractional Time

    ../../../../geohelp/image/1date2.jpg Integer second (SSSS)

    time_to_long(fractional time)

    Convert Fractional Time to Exact SecondTime

    Convert Fractional Second Time:

    ../../../../geohelp/image/1date3.jpg Fractional time (HH.hh)


    Convert Fractional SecondTime to Fractional Time

    ../../../../geohelp/image/1date2.jpg Second time (SSSS.ss)

    time_to_seconds(fractional time)

    Convert Fractional Time to Fractional SecondTime

    Application Notes

    Fractional Time

    A number storing the time of day using decimal hours. An example time of 4:15:34.35 would be stored as (4 + ((15 * 60) + 34.35) / 3600) = 4.259541 hours.

    Second Time

    A number storing the number of seconds that have elapsed in the day between 0 and 86400. This time can be stored in exact form (rounded to the nearest second) or in fractional form (with support for partial seconds). The example time of 4:15:34.35 would be stored as (4*3600) + (15*60) + (34.35) = 15334.35 (fractional) or 15334 (exact) seconds.