Display and Hide Channels

One of the main advantages of the Oasis montaj Spreadsheet is that you can display or remove data columns from the spreadsheet view. This process does not affect the data in your database in any way; it only affects the channels that you see displayed on the screen.

To show a channel in your spreadsheet:

  1. Select an empty channel header cell (top of each data column). The system highlights the cell:

    • Type the name of the channel you want to display and press Enter, or
    • Click the right mouse button. The system displays a popup menu. Select List and choose a channel to display.
  2. The system displays the channel name and corresponding data.

To hide a channel in your spreadsheet:

  1. Select the channel header cell.

    • Click the right mouse button and select Hide Column, or

    • Press the Spacebar.
  2. The system removes the channel from the display.

To display all channels:

Use the LDALLCH GX or the Display All context-menu option to load all database channels on the current line.

To hide all channels:

Use the RMALLCH GX or the Hide All context-menu option to remove all displayed channels from the spreadsheet view.