Profile Options - Colours

In the database profile window, click on the Profile Options context menu, and use this tabbed dialog to specify the colours for the currently selected profile.

Profile Dialog - Colours Tab

Standard Colours

To select a standard colour, click on the colour in the Standard Colours panel.

The colour selected is displayed in the Example box on the right side of the dialog.

Custom Colours

Click the Custom Colours button to access the Colourtool.

Click the Define Custom Colours button on the Colour tool to find even more colours.

Application Notes

The eight consecutive default colours assigned to profiles have been selected to be in contrast to each other and visible. These colours, listed below, are then recycled should you display more channel profiles.

1 255, 0, 0
2 0, 205, 0
3 0, 0, 255
4 255, 0, 255
5 127, 127, 127
6 0, 222, 222
7 127, 0, 127
8 255, 127, 0