Export XYZ Template

Use the Export XYZ Template dialog to specify the channels to be exported and the format of the selected channels.

Export XYZ Template dialog options

Template Name

Specify an output template name (the default template name is default.o0).

Max Line Length

Specify the Maximum Line Length in data units. Maximum number of elements to place in each exported line. Lines longer than Max Length will be split into separate lines in the output XYZ file

Valid numbers are from 1 to the maximum number: 2147483647. (Maxpoints 0 will act as "Do not include Line Header")

Leaving the field blank will set the default of 2147483647.

The output template file .o0 will show "Maxpoints ##" except when the field is left blank.

Fid Increment

Specify the Fiducial Increment. Desired fiducial increment for sampling the exported data. By default the data will be sampled at the smallest increment used by the channels being exported.

Use Displayed Format

Check the Use Displayed Format box to include the channel display format, such as the number of decimal places and the channel width, from the channel display.

Include Dummies

Check the Include Dummies box to include dummies in the exported XYZ file. If checked, will cause data to be written even if one or more of the exported channels has a dummy value. If not checked, only data where all channels are non-dummy will be exported.

Include Comment Header

Check the Include Comment Header box to include comment header information in the exported XYZ file.

Include Line Header

Check the Include Line Header box to include line header information in the exported XYZ file.

Line headers include flight and date labels (i.e. "//Flight" and "//Date" labels set the flight number and date for all lines following them in the XYZ file).

The output template file .o0 will show "Maxpoints 0" if the box is not checked (i.e. not include Line Header)

CSV (Comma Separate)

Check the CSV (Comma Separated) box to include commas to separate the data channels in the exported XYZ file.

Data Preview Window

Database Channels

The Database Channels display all of the channels available for export.




The F# (Field number) indicates the order from left to right that the exported channels will be displayed in the exported XYZ file.

The Channel displays the channel names as they will be displayed in the exported XYZ file.


To Add a database field for import select (highlight) the channel in the window on the left and click the Add>> button. The selected channel will now be displayed in the window on the right.

Add ALL>>

To Add ALL database channels for export click the Add ALL>> button.


To remove a database channel for export, select (highlight) the channel in the window on the right and click the <<Remove button. The selected channel will now be displayed in the window on the left.


Creates a template file in the local project directory using the template name and extension ".o0".