Using Basic Scatter Plot Capabilities

Most options in the Scatter Plot Tool are initiated with buttons.


Plot Ranges: The plot ranges may be edited directly by clicking in the edit fields. The plot will be updated with the new value when another control is clicked, or after the Enter key is pressed.

  • Automatic scaling is performed which creates "nice" bounds and tick intervals, so the ranges and values displayed may not be exactly what was selected with the zoom box. Moreover, for logarithmic plotting, the ranges are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a decade, so the zoom and shrink functions may not behave exactly as expected. Specifically, at least one-tenth of a decade is always displayed when log scaling is used, and the zoom button will not increase beyond this scale.


Select channels: Click this button to display the Select scatter plot channels and symbols dialog. This dialog enables you to select a Template and/or Overlay file, the Data channels to plot and the Symbols to use. Alternatively, clicking inside the channel name boxes (e.g. image\scatterplot2.jpg andimage\scatterplot3.jpg) using the left mouse button will also display the same dialog box (i.e. Select scatter plot channels and symbols dialog).


Zoom In: Clicking this button enables you to zoom into a user defined area on the scatter plot. Click and hold down the left mouse button while dragging the cursor over the area you want to zoom into. Once you have created a box of the correct size and location, release the left mouse button and your zoom box edges will become the new plot boundaries.


View all data: Click this button to redraw the scatter plot based on the minimum and maximum values in the data, so that all the data will be displayed.


Zoom Out: Click this button to redraw the scatter plot at half the current scale, subject to the maximum and minimum values in the data.


Make original size: Click this button to return the scatter plot to its original size.

  • To increase/decrease the size of the Scatter Plot tool, move the cursor to an outside edge of the Scatter tool and the cursor will change to a double arrow (image\doublearrow.jpg), click and hold down the left mouse button while dragging the side or corner of the dialog to the desired size.


Plot linear regression line: Click this button to display the Linear Regression Slope and Intercept for the current data value in the Scatter Tool.


Select All Points: Click this button to select all the data points.


Unselect all items: Click this button to unselect all the data points.


Select items inside an overlay polygon: Click this button to select the items that are inside an overlay polygon area, while unselecting all items outside the polygon.

  • Press the Ctrl key and select this button in order to add the items in the selected polygon to the currently selected items.


Unselect all items inside an overlay polygon: Click this button to unselect all of the items that are inside an overlay polygon area, while selecting all items outside the polygon.

  • Press the Ctrl key and select this button in order to remove the items in the selected polygon from the existing selected items.


Mask using Polygon Tool: Click this button to select a subset of values using the polygon drawing tool. Points within the boundary of the polygon are selected.


Plot Selected Points on the Map: Click this button and the Symbol Attribute dialog will be displayed. Use this dialog to specify the symbol plotting parameters. Click the OK button to plot the selected data values on the currently selected map. If there is no current map, the user is asked to open one.


Refresh the Data: Click the button (the Pump) to refresh the data. The data is read fresh from the database whenever one of the channel selections is changed.


Create a multi-scatter plot: Click the button to create a multi-scatter plot on the current map.


Plot the scatter plot to a map: Click the button to plot the scatter plot on the currently selected map. To use this option, the map you are plotting to must have a basemap drawn on it.

  • The Scatter Plot Tool implements dynamic linking between itself and the current database, and through it with any other Scatter or TRI Plot tool open in the project The Scatter Plot Tool can also be resized up to the full size of the screen.