random ASCII data

Random XYZ or simple data is located XYZ data that cannot be grouped naturally into separate lines. For example, regional gravity surveys or geochemical surveys are commonly considered random data because the locations appear somewhat random in nature. An example is shown below:

10517.0 8013.0 56600.4

10517.0 7977.0 56598.0

10516.0 7940.0 56595.1

10515.0 7904.0 56592.2

10515.0 7867.0 56589.6

10514.0 7831.0 56588.2

10514.0 7794.0 56588.9

10513.0 7758.0 56589.4

Such data can be imported into a single line (type ‘D’) of an Oasis database. Although profiling such data is probably not meaningful, the mathematical and GX processing functions of OE can be used to process the data. The RANGRID (minimum curvature gridding) and KRIGRID (statistical Kriging) GXs can be used to create grid images of so-called random data.

If all random data is contained in a single ASCII XYZ file, the data can be imported with default fiducial numbers, which will start at 0 and increment by 1 for each data point.

If you intend to merge data from different files, you should use the Merge Append option when importing. This will cause the new data to be added to the end of the existing data in the same line.

If your data contains a station number, you should use the Merge option and identify the fiducial channel in the import template. To identify the fiducial channel, enter the name "Fiducial" as the channel name for the fiducial data column in the template tool. You could also use the Append option, which will cause the incoming data to be appended as a new line.

  • Refer to Station Numbers as Fiducials for more information.