Mathematical Expressions

The ability to create, save, load and execute math expressions in Oasis montaj is available through the standardized Math Expression Builder tools; each of these tools provides all of the math expression keywords on a single tabbed dialog for each data type. 

The Math Expression Builders are easy-to-use tools that enable you to build mathematical expressions for channels (1D data), grids (2D data), and voxels (3D data). The tools use normal algebraic notation that is a combination of keywords, such as functions and operators that calculate values or change the values of variables (i.e. channels, grids or voxel data).

For more detailed information on the individual Math Expression Builders, click the links below:

See also the topic Rules for Defining and Applying Mathematical Expressions for a description of the expression syntax, operators and precedence, variables, numeric data types, placeholders (dummies) and functions that you can use for channels, grids and voxels.


If you perform a task repeatedly in Oasis montaj, you can automate the task using a script. Geosoft scripts are ASCII files that contain a series of actions or commands that you group together in a single file to accomplish a task automatically.

Some typical uses for scripts include:

  • Automate complex or repetitive tasks

  • Create standard map layouts

  • Run Oasis montaj functions from the DOS command prompt

  • Process large amounts of data overnight

Geosoft scripts work by recording the actions you perform on a dataset. When you run a script, the commands you recorded are executed on data in a specified project. You can run scripts either interactively in Oasis montaj or from the command line using the Geosoft Scripts Processor (OMS.EXE).

For a full description of how you can create and use scripts and a summary of script commands and advanced scripting features, refer to the course Working with Scripts and other Useful Utilities in Oasis montaj.