View, Store, and Clear the Internal Log

Oasis montaj automatically keeps a record of the GXs you run in the system along with the parameters you used for processing. When required, you can export this information from your project and store it in an ASCII log file. The log file can be useful if you are trying to remember processing settings or if you want to create Geosoft Scripts (for more information on scripts, please see the Working with Geosoft Scripts chapter) that include certain GXs and processing parameters.

To store the log:

Select Project > Log File > Save Log, specify a file name, and click OK.

To view the processing log file:

Select Project > Log File > View Log (or run the VIEWLOG GX). 

To clear the internal log:

Select Project > Log File > Clear Log. Since the system stores commands internally in the project, the internal log can become quite large. Use this function periodically.