Apply a Warp to Data

  1. Open the database you want to warp by selecting Database > Open. If you have several databases open, make sure the database you want to warp is the currently selected database.

  2. Select the Coordinates > Georeferencing > Warp Data menu option. The system displays the Warp Data dialog box.

  3. Select the current X/longitude and Y/latitude coordinate channels for the database.

  4. Use the Browse button next to the Warp definition file field to select the warp file (*.wrp) you want to use (you must have already defined this file).

  5. Type or select the names of the output warped X/longitude and Y/latitude coordinate channels.

  6. Click OK. The system creates two new coordinate channels in the database from the warp file information.

Learn how to create a warp file interactively or semi-interactively.