Import acQuire Point Data

Use the Geochem Import > Import acQuire Point Data menu option (ACQPOINT GX) to import point sample information from acQuire database via ODBC connection.

Import acQuire POINTSAMPLE Database dialog options

Output GDB file

Name of the output file. GDB assumed in Oasis montaj.

Script Parameter: ACQIMPORT. FILE

Load parameter setting

Parameter setting file.

Script Parameter: ACQIMPORT. PARFILE2

Auto-convert negatives assays?

If "yes", all values in data recognized as "Assay" type are scanned on import, and those values less than zero are replaced by positive values one-half the size (e.g. values are multiplied by –0.5). This operation is made under the assumption a negative value is actually the negative detection limit of the assay in question. For statistical reasons, these values are replaced with one-half the detection limit. By default, negative assay values are not auto-converted.


Application Notes

Please refer to the acQuire documents about data selection and query using the Select data from acQuire dialog.