Absolute Gravity

Use the Calculate Absolute Gravity dialog (AGABSGRAV GX) to calculate the absolute gravity.

Calculate Absolute Gravity dialog options

Recalculated relative gravity channel

The recalculated relative gravity channel name. The default name is "RecGravity".

Script Parameter AGABSGRAV.INCH

Output absolute gravity channel

The absolute gravity channel name. The default name is "AbsGravity".

Script Parameter AGABSGRAV.OUTCH

Relative still reading at beginning

Relative still reading at beginning.


Relative still reading at end

Relative still reading at end.


Time at beginning

Relative still reading time at beginning.

Script Parameter AGABSGRAV.TBEG

Time at end

Relative still reading time at end.

Script Parameter AGABSGRAV.TEND

Absolute reading at base station

Absolute reading at base station.

Script Parameter AGABSGRAV.GABS

Application Notes:

The calculation formula is:

rDrift = (rGrelend-rGrelbeg)/(rTend-rTbeg);

AbsGravity = (RecGravity-rGrelbeg)+ rGabs + rDrift*(Time-rTbeg).