Recalculate Gravity from Raw ZLS Data

Use the Moving Platform Gravity > Import > Recalculate Gravity from Raw Data menu option (AGRECALC GX) to recalculate gravity from raw data.

Recalculate Gravity from Raw Data dialog options

Spring tension channel

The spring tension channel name. The default name is "SprTens".


Raw beam channel

The raw beam channel name. The default name is "RawBeam".

Script Parameter AGRECALC.BEAM

Cross coupling channel

The cross coupling channel name. The default name is "CrossCoupl".

Script Parameter AGRECALC.CRSCPL

Calibration factor


Calibration factor (Fcal).

The default is 0.9966.

Script Parameter AGRECALC.FCAL

K factor of beam

(? mv/minute=1mGal)

K factor of beam (? mv/minute=1mGal) (K)

The default is 2 mv/minute=1mGal.

Script Parameter AGRECALC.K

Output recalculated gravity channel

The output recalculated gravity channel name. The default name is "RecGravity".

Script Parameter AGRECALC.OUTCH

Application Notes

The spring tension channel, SprTens, will be recalculated by dummy the repeat values and linearly interpolating these dummy values, and then stored into the new SprTensRec channel.

The recalculation formula is: