
Use the Map Tools > Arrows menu option (ARROWS GX) to plot arrow vectors based on X and Y direction channels.

Arrows dialog options

X location channel

Y location channel

The channels containing the X and Y positions for the arrow vectors.

Script Parameter: ARROWS.X, ARROWS.Y

X vector channel

Y vector channel

The X and Y components of the vectors to plot.

Script Parameter: ARROWS.XV, ARROWS.YV

Scale (units/mm)

The scaling factor to convert from vector magnitude to the length and a size of the plotted arrow. For instance, a scale of 1000 means that a vector of magnitude 2000 will plot as an arrow 2mm long.

If this is left blank, the selected data is scaled automatically so that the largest plotted arrow will measure 10mm.

Script Parameter: ARROWS.SCALE

Arrow position

The position on the arrow to use as the origin; where the X and Y position is to be in relation to the arrow. The choices are at the arrow’s tip, it’s center, or the end of its tail.

Script Parameter: ARROWS.POS (0:Head, 1:Center, 2: Tail)

Head size

The size of the plotted arrow head, in relation to its tail. There are five selections: "No Head" means that only a line is plotted, with the appropriate length and direction. "Small" heads are 1/6 the length of the arrow, "Medium" heads are 1/3 the length of the arrow, and "Large" heads are ½ the length of the arrow. "No Tail" means the that the head is everything; it will be twice the size of the "Large" head. The overall length of the arrow does not change with this setting.

Script Parameter: ARROWS.SIZE (0: No Head, 1:Small, 2:Medium, 3:Large, 4:No Tail)

Head style

Three styles of arrow head are available; The "Lines" style is the simplest, with two lines forming the head. The "Triangle" head is just that, a filled triangle. The "Barb" style is half-way between the line and triangle styles, with the head forming a double "barbed" point, similar to that found on a fish hook.

Script Parameter: ARROWS.STYLE (0: Lines, 1: Barb, 2: Triangle)

Point angle

The point angle controls the angle that the arrow head subtends at the point. The "Sharp" angle is about 35º (or 17º from the shaft). The "Medium" angle is about 65º (or about 32º from the shaft). The "Blunt" angle is 90º (or 45º from the shaft).

Script Parameter: ARROWS.ANGLE (0: Sharp, 1: Medium, 2: Blunt)


The arrow colour.

Script Parameter: ARROWS.COLOR

Line thickness (mm)

The line thickness for the arrows. If this is left blank, then the thickness scales automatically with the length of each plotted vector, and is set to 1/20 of the length.

Script Parameter: ARROWS.THICKNESS

Application Notes

The sizes and directions of individual arrows are determined by the input scaling and the values found in the X and Y vector channels.