Sample Separation (Batch QC Parameters)

Use the Sample Separation tab (QCDENSTY GX) to determine if the sample spacing is above or below a given threshold.

Sample Separation tab options

Maximum separation

Specify the maximum sample separation.

This is a required field.

Script Parameter: QCDENSTY.SEP

Application Notes

Current Database

This GX assumes that the current database is the one containing the actual survey data. The database is called the survey database. If you wish to process a different database, you may browse to add it to the project or select one from the workspace list.

Quality Control Specification and Indicators

Sample separation is the distance between two adjacent reading locations. It is a function of airplane flight speed and sampling frequency. For example, if the airplane flies at a constant speed of 1,000m/min (or 16.67m/sec), and the sampling frequency is 10 readings per second, the sample separation would be 1.67m.

This dialog determines if the sample separation is greater than the specified maximum value at each reading location. This dialog creates a flag channel, Flag_Density, which has 0 or 1. A value of 0 indicates the separation is less than the specified maximum and a value of 1 indicates otherwise.