Colour Channels Based on Percentage Breaks

Use the Geochem Analysis > Classify by Code option (CHCHANCOLOR GX) to colour channels based on percentage breaks in the data.

Colour Channels Based on Percent Breaks

Channels to colour

"All ASSAY data" – all channels that are members of the ASSAY class will be coloured.

"Displayed ASSAY data" – only displayed channels that are member of the ASSAY class will be coloured (this is the default setting).

"Select ASSAY channels from list" -- select ASSAY class channels from a two-panel selection list.

"All channels" – all numeric-type channels will be coloured. 

"All displayed channels" – all displayed numeric-type channels will be coloured.

Application Notes

When activated, this GX brings up the "Define Cumulative Percent Zones" tool. It is similar to the colour zones tool used to colour a single channel, but in this case is used only for defining percent values, that is in the range 0 to 100.

Once the values are defined, statistics are collected for each selected channel on all selected lines, and colours are assigned based on the corresponding percentage breaks in the data, sorted in ascending order. For instance, if the first percentage is given as 50%, and its colour is blue, then all values in a channel less than or equal to the median value would be coloured blue. The defined values represent the top of the range for the corresponding colour. For this reason, the top-most value is 100, and this value cannot be altered.

In order to determine the actual data break points for any channel, use the right-mouse menu item "Set channel colours…" and toggle the "Cum. %" button. Because of the inexact nature of the transform, the percent breaks in the channel not be exactly the same as the values chosen using this tool.

At the same time, this GX produces colour zone (ITR) files for each of the selected channels. For instance, for the Cu channel, the _Cu.itr file is created. This file can be used wherever a colour transform (zone) file is required, for instance when displaying gridded data.